Eli Rainsberry


Composer, sound artist and audio designer Eli Rainsberry has been creating music for others since 2012 and designing sounds since 2015, specialising in animated, interactive, and interdisciplinary works.

A graduate of Goldsmith's Sonic Arts masters program, Eli's works include the soundtrack for IGF-nominated video game, Wilmot's Warehouse (Hollow Ponds, Richard Hogg, FInji). They are currently working on various independent games including the No Longer Home series (Humble Grove), and Bird Alone (George Batchelor). In 2020, they hope to get further into interdisciplinary projects and installations, with their last commission being an interactive and improvisational performance for one of the V&A's Friday Late events, All To Play For

You can check out more of their work and words on Twitter and their website.


Isaac Saierre


Muriel & Blazquez