Suzanne Moloney (Relationship Manager -PPL UK)

Suzanne is a Relationship Manager at PPL, the UK’s music licensing company for performers and recording rights holders. She works with PPL members on every aspect of their membership to help them maximise their royalty revenue: joining PPL, making performer claims, registering recordings etc. Suzanne regularly represents PPL at industry events and training sessions for performers, managers, labels and self-releasing performers.

PPL licenses recorded music in the UK when it is played in public or broadcast and ensures that revenue flows back to our members. These include independent and major record companies, together with performers ranging from emerging musicians to globally renowned artists. In 2020 we collected £225.7 million while also distributing money to over 135,000 performers and recording rightsholders.

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Featuring in:

Session 2

— between 12:45 - 13:45


Session 3

— between 15:30 - 16:30


Daniel Jones (Writer Relations Manager - PRS for Music)


Antonia Lines (Diversity Project Manager - Come Play With Me)