Antonia Lines (Diversity Project Manager - Come Play With Me)

Toni is the Diversity Project Manager at CPWM and works to ensure that all our strands of work are as diverse and inclusive as possible. They look after the various events teams and projects as well as supporting Tony E with policies, evaluation and funding bids.

Toni is also a freelance facilitator and consultant, specialising in LGBTQ inclusion as well as being a player and club secretary at Stonewall FC in Hackney.

Come Play With Me is a non-profit music development organisation specialising in supporting people from marginalised communities based in Leeds.

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Featuring in:

Session 2

— between 12:45 - 13:45


Session 3

— between 15:30 - 16:30


Suzanne Moloney (Relationship Manager -PPL UK)


Eva Davies (Label Manager/Live Events Assistant/Frontwoman at Come Play With Me/Long Division/FIKA)