Matt Wanstall (Regional Organiser, North of England - Musicians’ Union)

Matt is the MU Regional Organiser for the North of England and leads the regional team in helping and advising the region’s members on copyright, recording, touring and all manner of industry and work-related issues. Matt previously worked as a keyboard player, programmer, producer and composer.

Musicians' Union is the UK trade union for all musicians representing over 32,000 members working right across the music industry. We stand up for employed and self-employed musicians working in every area of the UK music industry, including music education.

We work to maximise the employment and overall income of musicians as well as protecting and improving working conditions. We also offer advice, support and legal assistance based on every individual member’s needs.
We lobby government at all levels and campaign on a national and international scale on issues of relevance to our members.

Website - Twitter

Featuring in:

Session 2

— between 12:45 - 13:45


Session 3

— between 15:30 - 16:30


Bex Ransom (Musicians Development Manager - Help Musicians)


Westley Holdsworth (Open Fund Manager and Grants Coordinator - PRS Foundation)