Bex Ransom (Musicians Development Manager - Help Musicians)

Bex is the Musicians Development Manager for Help Musicians where she manages a variety of support schemes for musicians, including support for recording and release activity and career development activities.

She joined the charity in February 2016 and during this time has chaired many funding panels and audition based award schemes. She is a music expert for the Elizabeth Eagle Bott Awards which are administered through the Royal National Institute of Blind People and she has previously sat on the decision panel for the Deutsche Bank Awards for Creative Enterprise in the Music category.

Bex graduated from Royal Birmingham Conservatoire in 2013 and currently plays flugel horn for Enderby Brass Band in Leicestershire. For 100 years, Help Musicians has been providing help, support and opportunities to empower musicians at all stages of their lives.

Help Musicians is an independent charity which aims to make a meaningful difference to the lives of musicians, offering a wide spectrum of support which includes: Health & Welfare services, Creative development funding, ground-breaking research, a mental health helpline for the entire music industry and an incredibly popular hearing health scheme which aims to prevent hearing problems that would otherwise bring musicians’ careers to an untimely end.

They’re passionate about creating a world where musicians thrive.

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Featuring in:

Session 1

— between 11:30 - 12:30


Session 2

— between 12:45 - 13:45


Eva Davies (Label Manager/Live Events Assistant/Frontwoman at Come Play With Me/Long Division/FIKA)


Matt Wanstall (Regional Organiser, North of England - Musicians’ Union)