Eeshar Singh (Ru)

Ru is an animated short film that follows the story of a timid oil lamp and his quest for light as his home is taken over by Darkness. Along his journey, Ru begins to discover his inner-light and develops the courage and strength to challenge Darkness. The story talks of the idea that even the smallest light can dispel Darkness and aims to provide a tool for viewers to discuss the ways in which Darkness affects their lives. Ru is inspired by human rights activist Bhai Jaswant Singh Khalra who was instrumental in bringing to light the many injustices occurring in the Punjab.

Over the last year, Eeshar led a successful Kickstarter campaign to establish his animation studio, Adrak Studios, and fund the making of this animation. As a musician, Eeshar will be using this project as an opportunity to step out of his comfort zone and into the world of media composition. Eeshar is looking at ways to integrate his personal heritage with film music to produce a unique soundtrack for this magical and powerful story.’



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