Satnam Galsian

Satnam is the Youth Progression Coordinator for Music Local/Launchpad. Her role includes delivering talks about careers in the music industry for young people in education and community settings and creating performance opportunities for under 25’s. For the rest of the time, Satnam is a progressive folk singer-songwriter exploring transcultural musical aesthetics. Satnam was awarded the EFDSS Alan James Creative Bursary 2023 in collaboration with fellow Leeds artist Maddie Morris to research and explore gender-based violence in Punjabi and English Folk songs. She was a recipient of the Opera North Resonance Residency 2024 for a project challenging pre-conceived notions about women’s roles in Punjabi folklore through a feminist retelling of Mirza-Sahiban, a tragic love story from the Indian subcontinent. Sahiban was self-released last year as was her debut solo folk EP, Fragmented Truth. She currently performs as a solo artist, with her band Kinaara and occasionally delivers music and mental health workshops in schools and community venues.

Launchpad Futures supports young people to discover music careers, progression pathways and uncover the music sector in Yorkshire, connecting local industry, schools, music hubs and local government skills & employability teams.

We run employability workshops, demystify music royalties and highlight career pathways for performers and those in adjacent roles such as management, events and record labels.


Danny West


Lily Blakeney-Edwards