WYCREATE Launchpad Music Innovators Launch- 20/11/24

WYCreate Launchpad Music Innovators is a programme to support and empower music freelances who are original copyright creators and managers of music intellectual property, to maximise the potential income generated, and the ability to create and sustain new music revenue streams

The programme kicked off with the first session on November 20th at The Attic (at Neighbourhood / Aire Park). Followed by two further online sessions in early 2025.

Topics covered through the programme

  • The fundamentals of music royalties

  • Digital distribution and product delivery, frameworks for working and managing businesses in the music industry

  • Monetising music and audience building with a focus on music for media, sync, and digital marketing and content creation

  • Further development, funding, and network building 

Music Freelancer Panel Discussion Featuring:

Music Innovators is part of WYCreate - a brand new series of FREE training opportunities for creative freelancers and microbusinesses in West Yorkshire, delivered by The Fifth Sector, a specialist creative consultancy, which has been appointed by West Yorkshire Combined Authority to develop and manage a programme of skills and business support for creative freelancers and microbusinesses. See their website for the full WYCreate programme: https://www.wycreate.net/

Launchpad is delivered by Music Local, and is supported by Youth Music, with public funding from the National Lottery through Arts Council England, PPL Giving, Bradford Council, Leeds City Council funded by the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund and PRS Foundation's Talent Development Partnership supported by PPL.


Leeds Libraries in partnership with Launchpad present - Open Mic- 20/11/24


Live At Leeds in The City 2024