Jazz North x Launchpad: Emerging Artists Development Day - 23rd of May 2024


As part of Leeds Jazz Festival, we are teaming up with Jazz North to bring you a relaxed and informative event for artists on Thursday 23rd May at Hyde Park Book Club.

As part of Jazz North’s support for emerging artists, they will be releasing a comprehensive guide to kicking off your live career in jazz: our Emerging Artists’ Live Toolkit. 

The day is all about taking a deep dive into some of those topics, connecting with like-minded artists and sharing your own insights. 

With the help of some very brilliant guest speakers (to be announced), we will be exploring creative identity, establishing your values and goals, finding your place on the live music scene and growing your live and online audience. 

We’d love to see you there. Spaces are limited so sign up in advance to secure your space and complimentary drink. 

Sign up here to register your attendance! 

Why not stick around after the event at Hype Park Book Club for the rest of the evening where live music and the Hyde Park Jazz Club jam session will take place (bring your instruments!). Visit here for more information and to buy tickets. 

Event Schedule 

15:00        Arrive and registration 

15:15        Welcome and Intros (15 mins) 

15:30        Finding your niche - creative identity, values and goals 

16:20        Break (10 mins) - post it notes - share your values on the wall 

16.30        Getting gigs - different types of promoters, making your approach

17.20        Break (10 mins)

17.30        Building your audiences - live and online

18.20        Closing session (20 mins) 

18.30        Networking drinks 

19:00 End


Leeds Jazz Festival (Welcome to Leeds Stage - Launchpad) - 26th of May 2024


Launchpad Yorkshire Showcase @ The Great Escape Festival, Brighton - 17th of May 2024