Sarah Wall (Senior Events and Marketing Manager - PPL)

Sarah is Senior Events and Marketing Manager at music licensing company PPL, playing a pivotal role in ensuring support for musicians and labels via music industry events, conferences and showcases. Another aspect of her role is working with PRS Foundation across various funds - the PPL Momentum Fund, the International Showcase Fund, and the Talent Development Partner programme. Each offers support to artists, bands, industry professionals and organisations at crucial moments in their careers.

Prior to this, Sarah spent 10 years building artists’ careers as an Artist Manager at a frontline international management company (based in London and New York). Sarah has worked with indie bands, A-list pop, global DJs and everything in between; developing artists from bedroom demos to radio playlists, stadium tours and sustainable careers.

PPL licenses recorded music in the UK when it is played in public or broadcast and ensures that revenue flows back to our members. These include independent and major record companies, together with performers ranging from emerging musicians to globally renowned artists. In 2020 we collected £225.7 million while also distributing money to over 135,000 performers and recording rightsholders.

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Featuring in:

Session 2

— between 12:45 - 13:45


Session 3

— between 15:30 - 16:30


Tom Sloman (Publicist - Inside Out)


Daniel Jones (Writer Relations Manager - PRS for Music)