Heather Spencer (Programme Manager - Jazz North)

Heather works in Leeds as Programme Manager at Jazz North, largely managing their flagship talent development programme - Northern Line.

Prior to this, Heather has worked as a promoter, producer and creative learning project manager across the North East since early 2017, alongside freelance event work at arts festivals.

Co-founder and co-director of DJAZZ: The Durham City Jazz Festival; Jazz Development Coordinator at Sage Gateshead and co-programmer of Middlesbrough Jazz Weekender and Sunday Jazz at Middlesbrough Town Hall.

Jazz North is the jazz development agency in the north funded by Arts Council England. Established in 2012 with a ground-breaking approach to supporting and nurturing jazz across the north, it uses the power of collective partnership working to build networks between musicians, educators, promoters, and venues, to grow audiences for jazz and to inspire children and young people to make music.

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Featuring in:

Session 1

— between 11:30 - 12:30


Dorothea Thompson (Music & Entertainment Solicitor - Bray & Krais Solicitors)