Shell Zenner

If you want to find Shell Zenner, look for a dedicated fan in a vintage dress who is always chasing down the shivery thrill of new music and then telling people about it. That’s her life! A friendly face for touring artists.

She can be found on Amazing Radio & on XS Manchester and elsewhere on both local and national radio talking about a myriad of music related subjects such as vinyl sales, national album day, recordstore day and her fave new artists and records. She’s presented on BBC 6 Music sitting in for Tom Robinson and has featured on Radio X, Talk Radio and even reported live from her tent at Leeds Festival! She also spent six years flying the flag for BBC Introducing on BBC Radios Manchester, Leeds and Lancashire.

She also adores to nurture young creatives and can often be found sharing her experiences, teaching music journalism at Leeds Conservatoire or mentoring too!


Sinead Campbell


Lady Ice