Lily Blakeney-Edwards

Lily Blakeney Edwards is an Artist Liason at Sentric Music, a music publisher which represents over 400,000 artists across the globe. With 5 years of experience working as a music journalist, as well as operating as a musical artist and vocalist, Lily has an extremely well-rounded background in Music and a truly unique perspective within the music industry. In the panel, Lily will discuss the often confusing world of music publishing and explain just WTF it’s all about.

Sentric is a music publisher. Sentric has memberships to over 200 PROs across the world, including the PRS. What this means is that we register our artists’ songs in over 200 territories which ensures that they receive all performance/mechanical income they are owed, from wherever it is generated around the world!
As well as offering the fairest publishing deal within the music industry we also provide numerous funding opportunities for our artists.

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