Equal Opportunities Form Further Information

Thanks for clicking through to read further information on our equal opportunities form. Here we explain why we ask each question.

Artist, band, project name or personal name
We ask this so that we can check that each member of your group has submitted their equal opportunities form and then we can consider it complete.

Please tell us which age bracket you currently sit in
We ask this question so that firstly we can get a good overview of the ages of the people we support through our work. Secondly, so that we can report back to one of our funders, Youth Music, about how many people we work with who fall within their remit of “investing in music-making projects which support children and young people aged 0-25 to develop personally and socially as well as musically.”

Please tell us your gender
We ask this question as we believe in gender equality and are trying to do all we can do to support this within the music industry. “Representation of women and gender minorities in the music industry remains very low in all European countries. Across the participating countries’ collecting societies, women represent 20% or less of registered composers and songwriters.” - Keychange

Please tell us your sexual orientation 
We ask this question as, just like with people of all genders, we believe in equality for LGBTQIA+ people and are trying to do all we can do to support this within our local music industry. 

Please tell us your ethnicity
In 2020, 22.3% of people working in the music industry were “Black, Asian or of an ethnic minority” (UK Music Diversity Report 2020) this figure is up from 15.6% in 2016, we want to see this number continue to rise. We ask this question as we want to support more people of colour to take that next step with their music and by knowing who’s coming through our opportunities we can see if we’re achieving this goal. 

Please tell us your religion or belief
As one of the characteristics protected by the 2010 Equality Act, we believe it is our duty to ensure that nobody has been left out of an opportunity due to their religion or belief, so we ask this question in order that we can check to make sure this isn’t happening. 

Please tell us if you have a disability and/or are neurodiverse. 
We believe in the Social Model of Disability and want to remove barriers that “disable” people from getting involved in what we do. We ask this question to make sure that we are doing this and that disabled and neurodiverse people are engaging with our opportunities.

With this in mind, we have also ensured that the form and all accompanying documents are readable by a screen reader. 

Please tell us if you are a primary carer.
As well as the barriers that can be created by being a person with protected characteristics we are mindful that there might be other barriers holding someone back from participating. We’ve added this question to try to find out if being a primary carer is an affecting factor on participation. 

Please tell us if you lived in Yorkshire before the age of 16.

Please tell us the highest qualification that you have achieved or are currently studying for.

Please tell us the type of school you attended for the most time between the ages of 11 and 16.

Please tell us if you receive any benefits (excluding child or family related benefits). 

We’re aiming to give opportunities to people who may not otherwise have had the opportunity to do so. We ask the previous four questions to get a sense of if the people we work with might have missed out on other opportunities or support. 

If you feel we have gotten something wrong in this form please feel free to get in touch with us so that we can amend it for future use. We’re always working to make what we do as inclusive and welcoming for people of all backgrounds, we acknowledge that this is an ongoing process and we appreciate any feedback you might have that will help us achieve this.