Yorkshire Sound Women Network

Yorkshire Sound Women Network

WIRED is a participatory music technology programme taking place across Yorkshire combining face-to-face and online activities, enabling girls and people of minority genders to develop creative music technology skills alongside expert music leaders.

For girls and people of minority genders aged 11-18.

In person and online

For more information:

WIRED · Yorkshire Sound Women Network


Audio traineeships

paid training placements for women and minority gender people aged 18–25 within the music and sound industry.

Each trainee receives a bursary of £5,000 during a six-month part-time placement, as well as a £500 micro-grant to develop a personal project tailored to suit their particular ambitions and interests, plus mentoring support from a YSWN associate with experience in the audio technology and music industry.

Contact YSWN for more information:

Audio traineeships · Yorkshire Sound Women Network

Contact: info@yorkshiresoundwomen.com

Yorkshire Sound Women Network · Resources for Women in Music Technology


Yorkshire Youth and Music


Yorkshire Academy of Modern Music